Kate Hoff was the Co-Founder of Weidman Worldwide. With more than two decades of fundraising and nonprofit organization management experience, she helped hundreds of food, agriculture, and Native nonprofits raise funds and grow their organizations. Prior to co-founding Weidman, she served as the Vice President of Development for the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy in MN. Kate's professional and volunteer board service exposed her to local food and farming, climate change, animal welfare, rural issues, environmental issues, agriculture, trade, health (especially as linked to food and climate), democracy and governance, international issues, fair trade, justice, human rights, advocacy, and the arts (visual and performing).
Some other things Kate wanted you to know: She was extremely good at sourcing things via the Internet, Craig’s List, and estate sales. She got things done. She excelled at finding typos, Internet stalking and discretion. She traveled all over the planet. Kate had been called “concierge to the world,” and for good reason. She was an excellent matchmaker, researcher, connector and creative problem solver. She had a particular talent in understanding and managing complex situations and relationships. She had many opinions about the state of philanthropy and its impact on progressive change making. Kate had a B.A. in Sociology from Augsburg College and a Masters in Public Administration, Nonprofit Management from Hamline University.
The world is a less vibrant place for her loss.